Madeline Wong

Madeline Wong

Communications and stakeholder engagement

Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Madeline Wong graduated from Tufts University with majors in biology and archaeology. Her university research with The Kibale Chimpanzee Project and The Kasiisi Project spanned biology, anthropology, conservation, and education in rural Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Madeline was the undergraduate One Health student contact in collaboration with Tufts Dental, Medical, and Veterinary schools and taught the importance of studying ancient cultures at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Uplifting her communities, Madeline supported microfinancing for immigrant small businesses in New York and Massachusetts. Madeline completed her year as a Princeton in Africa fellow with the Communications and Knowledge Management (CKM) team and now works in communications and stakeholder engagement with CKM and the Policies, Institutions and Livelihoods program at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya.

My Blog Posts

SAPLING works in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam


Three years, seven countries: Lessons learned from the CGIAR SAPLING Initiative

Loraine Ronchi interviewing Agnes Kalibata (photo credit: IWMI Southern Africa).


What does it take to scale an agricultural innovation? Loraine Ronchi talks with Agnes Kalibata

Participants during a data validation session at the Baseline Data Workshop in Abuja, Nigeria from 11-14 December 2024 (photo credit: ILRI / Folusho Onifade).


Building a data-driven future for Nigeria’s livestock sector

Dr Bedu Ram Bhusal, Hon. Minister of MoALD on behalf of GoN; Dr Rewati Raman Poudel, Secretary of Livestock at MoALD and Shirley Tarawali, assistant director general at ILRI, at the MoU signing in Kathmandu, Nepal on 31 January 2024 (photo credit: MoALD).


Transformative collaboration for sustainable livestock development: Historic MoU signed between the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and ILRI

Samburu pastoralist and his animals (ILRI / Kabir Dhanji).


Enhancing livestock investments for climate-resilient and inclusive policy implementation

A pastoralist leads her goat for grazing in Borana, Ethiopia (ILRI \ Zerihun Sewunet).


Seven ways to sustainably transform livestock systems in Africa

Women produce seller next to poultry seller (Consuming Urban Poverty / Sam Reinders).


Food systems and One Health: a good fit for sustainable transformation

Borana, Ethiopia (photo credit: ILRI\Zerihun Sewunet).


Empowering women and youth are a must to transform Africa’s food systems

Namukolo delivering a keynote at AGRF 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (AGRF).


Transforming Africa’s food systems: Insights from Namukolo’s keynote at AGRF 2023

Group photo of the Policy Coherence in Food, Land and Water Systems in Kenya stakeholders’ workshop at ILRI in Nairobi, Kenya (ILRI / Madeline Wong).


Increasing Kenya’s food, land and water policy coherence through coordination and collaboration

Women buffalo farmer with buffalo in Saptari, Nepal (ILRI / Nils Teufel).


Buffalo dairy value chain in Nepal showing symptoms of change

Group photo at the stakeholders' consultation, 'Exploring opportunities for improving uptake of integrated herd health plans by smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya,' for SAPLING Kenya (ILRI / Madeline Wong).


Transforming herd health into an integrated package for smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya

Group photo of Somalia round table (ILRI / Terry Mwenda)

Exploring investment opportunities for the livestock sector in Somalia

  ILRI team visits the field office at Tarahara, Nepal on 2 May 2023. (ILRI / Suresh Basnet)

Village Livestock Promoters get new dairy data app to support smallholder buffalo farmers in Nepal

ILRI management with Hon. Jonathan Mueke, PS for Livestock Development; Vivian Nain, Head of Mission for the Cameroon Consulate in Kenya, Ambassador Ali Mohamed, Special Climate Envoy for Kenya; and Hon. Kello Harsama, PS for Crop Development; at ILRI on 2 August 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. (ILRI / Terry Mwenda)

ILRI welcomes high-level Kenyan government officials to its main campus in Nairobi

Nepal policymakers in the forage plots (ILRI / Madeline Wong)

CGIAR Research Initiative scientists advise Nepal government on linking research and policy

Pearl millet (ILRI)

New study on pearl millet unveils opportunities for climate-resilient feed and forage

SAPLING Bhaisi team at the ILRI office in Itahari, Nepal (ILRI / Nils Teufel)

Building better buffalo farming in rural Nepal

Women buffalo farmer at fertility clinic (ILRI / Nils Teufel).

Village livestock promoters in rural Nepal are changing the lives of buffalo farmers

The Capacity Development Unit celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with visit from secondary school 

The Capacity Development Unit celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with visit from secondary school 

Using social media to transform gender norms for women poultry farmers in Tanzania

Using social media to transform gender norms for women poultry farmers in Tanzania

Julie Ojango (left), animal breeding scientist, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) with Poline Achieng (right), farmer.

Using digital technology to integrate gender into genetics in small ruminant and dairy systems

Commemorating World Rabies Day in Machakos County, Kenya 

New study on co-infection in Kenyan wildlife enhances understanding of neglected zoonotic diseases