Folusho Omotayo Onifade

Folusho Omotayo Onifade

Media and Communications

Folusho Onifade leverages his science background and communication expertise to bridge the gap between complex research and public understanding as the Media and Communications Consultant at ILRI Nigeria. Since joining in 2021, he has worked directly with the Country Representative, playing a key role in amplifying ILRI's research impact.

Prior to ILRI, Folusho honed his communication skills in diverse roles, including radio hosting, event management and publicity and other administrative roles. He also possesses proficiency in various multimedia tools. This experience allows him to excel at Translating complex research findings into clear and accessible messages for various audiences and also crafting compelling multimedia content (images, videos, social media) to showcase ILRI's research in an engaging way.

Folusho holds a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and a Master of Science in Communication Studies from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) Nigeria.

My Blog Posts

ILRI Forage genetics resources plot


ILRI lbadan Forage Genetic Resources Unit launches to revolutionize livestock feed production in Nigeria

Goats in Mali


New vaccine to protect Mali’s sheep and goats against peste des petits ruminants

Participants at a plenary session during the second Group Model Building (GMB) workshop in Ghana (photo credit: ILRI/Folusho Onifade).


Building resilience: Combatting Marek's disease in Ghana's chicken industry

Participants during a data validation session at the Baseline Data Workshop in Abuja, Nigeria from 11-14 December 2024 (photo credit: ILRI / Folusho Onifade).


Building a data-driven future for Nigeria’s livestock sector

Goat in a market in Nigeria


ILRI unveils the Nigeria livestock master plan at the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association Congress and Annual General Meeting 

ILRI team with DG


ILRI fosters collaboration with CGIAR partners in Nigeria for livestock systems transformation

Selected participants at the N-LMP launch (photo credit: ILRI/Onifade Folusho )


Nigeria officially inaugurates the development of a livestock master plan