ILRI mourns the death of MS Swaminathan
On ILRI's 40th anniversary, he spoke at celebrations in India.
He reminisced that he was the Vice Chairman of the CGIAR Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) when it recommended to establish both the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) and the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), which eventually merged together to create ILRI.
He also reiterated the importance of livestock for sustainable development and gender equity. "Livestock and livelihoods are so closely related in India. And the ownership of livestock is much more egalitarian than the ownership of land. Therefor the livestock sector's importance for poverty alleviation is so obvious."
We are grateful for his dedication to agriculture and livestock development in India, and his unwavering support for ILRI over the years.
Our condolences go out to his family and the nation of India on the death of this great 'father of the green revolution'.
MS Swaminathan presents at ILRI-ICAR Partnership Dialogue in New Delhi on 7 Nov 2012 (ILRI/Nils Teufel).