Michael Victor

Michael Victor

Head, Communications and Knowledge Management

Communication and knowledge management specialist with more than 20 years experience working in international development in the agriculture and natural resource management sectors. More than 15 years of high-level management experience leading multi-disciplinary teams to deliver results, set team direction and meet deadlines. Proven track record in leading communication change initiatives, designing large-scale communication campaigns and knowledge management process. Experience in implementing uptake and engagement strategies to link research to users such as policy makers, donors and private sector. Proven ability to engage and obtain funding from traditional and non-traditional sources for organizations and projects. Excel at documenting and synthesizing research results into compelling knowledge products to meet the needs of a diverse client base. Extensive experience designing user-driven knowledge management systems for knowledge sharing and learning. Led a number of project design and evaluation teams for donor agencies. Employed by the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), NIRAS, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and USAID.

My Projects

Global livestock advocacy for development


Global livestock advocacy for development

My Blog Posts

More than 20 solutions that are being developed in Ethiopia by CGIAR and its partners were shared

Using a share fair approach to unravel what needs to change to drive agricultural transformation in Ethiopia



ILRI welcomes Dr. Fabian Kausche as the new Deputy Director General of Research and Innovation

Dirk and entrepeneur


ILRI mourns the passing of Dirk Hoekstra

MS Swaminathan


ILRI mourns the death of MS Swaminathan



Consultation to shape livestock futures: inputs into ILRI’s new strategy for 2024-2030

A Samburu pastoralist and his animals

Science and advocacy: finding the right balance

The cow in the room: The roles milk, meat and eggs play in sustainable food systems transformation

cgspace meeting


Celebrating an open access knowledge and information repository for CGIAR research

18 livestock investments to take One Health to scale and prevent new pandemics


Livestock pathways to 2030: Seven ways to invest in One Health

Hot topic

Seizing virtual opportunities for CGIAR research in a pandemic

Moving science events online in a lockdown Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Working across institutions and disciplines for science-based responses to fight COVID-19 in Ethiopia

What rapid COVID-19 antibody test kits can and cannot tell us

Livestock and sustainable development: Not so strange bedfellows