


Tropical Poultry Genetics Solutions (TPGS)



Poultry losses and One Health (POLOH): Reducing losses and zoonotic risks along the Burkina Faso poultry value chain through a One Health approach

Asian Chicken Genetic Gains (AsCGG): A platform for exploring, testing and delivering improved chickens for enhanced livelihood outcomes in South East Asia


Management of animal diseases and antimicrobial use by information and communication technology to control antimicrobial resistance in East Africa

indigenous poultry breeds

Genome-wide association study in indigenous poultry breeds and varieties

Urban food markets in Africa: Incentivizing food safety using a pull-push approach

Urban food markets in Africa: Incentivizing food safety using a pull-push approach

Market Intervention for Nutritional Improvement (MINI)

African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG)

Comparative genome sequence analysis to identify disease and traits related genes under different selection pressures during chicken domestication


Improving village chicken protection to elevate the livelihoods of poor people in Ethiopia