Supporting the vulnerable: Increasing the adaptive capacity of agro-pastoralists to climatic change in West and Southern Africa using a transdisciplinary research approach.
Managing uncertainty: innovation systems for coping with climate variability and change
Enhanced community resilience to drought through innovative market based systems approaches
An integration of mitigation and adaptation options for sustainable Livestock production under climate change (ANIMALCHANGE)
Enhancing communities’ adaptive capacity to climate change in drought-prone hotspots of the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia
Climate change and small ruminants in extensive systems in East Africa – challenges, co-benefits and options for methane mitigation (CHANCE)
Identifying livestock-based risk management and coping options to reduce vulnerability to droughts in agro-pastoral and pastoral systems in East and West Africa
Strategies for effective linkage of science, policy and practice for climate change adaptation
Environmentally Efficient Production Options for Intensifying Livestock Systems
Dynamic interactions among people, livestock, and savanna ecosystems under climate change (EACLIPSE)
Management of Green house emission from livestock Epidemiology and resistance in Livestock
Genesis reversed: Climate change impacts on agricultural and livelihood systems in mixed crop livestock systems of Africa