
Maximizing benefits from crop residues in East Africa through minimizing trade-offs and employing integrated agronomic and institutional interventions

Land Use Change, Impacts and Dynamics (LUCID)

Climate change and small ruminants in extensive systems in East Africa – challenges, co-benefits and options for methane mitigation (CHANCE)


Pilot project on the feasibility of generating carbon credit through dairy productivity gains

A genomics approach to understanding the immunopathology of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP): Improvement of current live vaccines and development of next generation vaccines

Breeding for improved village chicken production in Ethiopia


Improving village chicken protection to elevate the livelihoods of poor people in Ethiopia

A dynamic ecological simulation model of tsetse transmitted trypanosomosis in Kenya


Better policy and management options for pastoral lands: Assessing trade-offs between poverty alleviation and wildlife conservation (Reto O Reto)


Technical Consortium for Building Resilience to Drought in the Horn of Africa

A comparison between local cattle breeds in Kenya in the rate and extent of adhesion of rumen bacteria to maize stover

Protein identification of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides SC antigenic spectrum