
Livestock intensification: investigating impacts on livelihoods in dairy value chains in India and Ethiopia

Safe Food, Fair Food: Building capacity to improve the safety of animal-source foods and ensure continued market access for poor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

Safe Food, Fair Food: Building capacity to improve the safety of animal-source foods and ensure continued market access for poor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

Strengthening capacities for community-based livestock health service delivery in the Ghibe Valley, Ethiopia

Pro-poor HPAI risk reduction strategies

Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands and its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile

Enhancing livelihoods of poor livestock keepers through increased use of fodder

Improving the quality of pearl millet residues for livestock

Testing and validation of breed survey methodology, socio-economic survey and characterization of selected indigenous cattle of Eastern and central Africa

Breeding for improved village chicken production in Ethiopia


Strategies for effective linkage of science, policy and practice for climate change adaptation

Environmentally Efficient Production Options for Intensifying Livestock Systems


Improving the Productivity and Market success of Ethiopian Farmers (IPMS)