Improvement and diversification of Somali livestock trade and marketing
The rationale for this project is based on what is considered to be a high but currently under-exploited potential for reaping greater benefits for stakeholders in the Somali livestock sector. This project therefore aims to contribute to improved Somali pastoral livelihoods by enhancing access of producers and traders to livestock export marketing support services, and fostering participation of Somali pastoralists in more effective, accountable and competent rural institutions. The main activities include:
- developing an inventory of marketing chains, institutions and agents from primary markets to export,
- defining grading standards for Somali livestock and livestock products to promote export, and
- assisting rural institutions to disseminate information related to livestock marketing at local and national levels.
Objectives The key result that ILRI is contributing to delivering is in understanding and pilot testing quality control systems for livestock and livestock products. This will be done through:
- Identifying critical intervention points along livestock market chains for strengthening capacity of actors and quality assurance services.
- Identifying options for building the capacity of rural institutions for planning livestock marketing services. These include:
- Strategies to monitor flow of export quality livestock through district and regional markets
- Approaches to developing a common understanding among stakeholders of different grades and quality standards of Somali breeds for export
- Options for viable livestock marketing information systems
Study sites: Four zones in Somalia (Somaliland, Puntland, central and southern Somalia)
Funding: European Commission and the Danish Government