Ha Nguyen

Ha Nguyen

PhD Graduate Fellow

Ha Nguyen began her PhD Graduate Fellowship in September 2022 at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University, Sweden, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Her research focuses on assessing wildlife value chains and interspecies transmission risks of zoonotic diseases in Vietnam, utilizing a One Health approach.

She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Public Health from Hanoi University of Public Health. In 2015, she earned a Master's Degree in Sciences, Technologies, and Health through the MAN-IMAL One Health program at Nantes University in France (the first France-based international higher education program founded exclusively on the One World, One Health initiative). Her specialization focuses on the links between human, animal, and food health.

Nguyen's expertise aligns significantly with public health areas, particularly One Health, AMR, influenza, hospital-acquired infections, clinical trials, maternal and child health, HIV, and disability. She brings a strong understanding of research paradigms involving both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with a deeper focus on quantitative approaches.

My Blog Posts

OHI scoping


Collective efforts from a One Health approach to prevent zoonotic threats: ILRI's initiatives in Vietnam

My Publications

Consultation meeting on assessing and prioritizing wildlife value chains and transmission risk of zoonotic diseases in Vietnam

  • Ha Nguyen
  • Lindahl, Johanna F.
  • Hu Suk Lee
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Thang Nguyen
  • Tung Dao
  • Chi Nguyen
  • Thanh Nguyen
  • Unger, Fred