Edward Hernando Cabezas Garcia

Edward Hernando Cabezas Garcia

Post-doctoral Researcher

Edward H. Cabezas Garcia received a PhD degree in Animal Nutrition and Management from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in 2017. After completing his PhD, he has held two post-doc positions at the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) in the United Kingdom and later undertook a post as a Research Associate at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) in Peru. In August 2022, Edward joined Cornell University as a Postdoctoral Associate to be a collaborator of the 'RuFaS' dairy cattle production model (https://rufas.org/) contributing with his expertise in the development of the Animal module. Edward's on-going research at ILRI focuses on evaluating tannins from tropical legumes as feed additives for improving animal performance and mitigating enteric CH4 emissions in ruminants as well as in the calculation of Ym coefficients (GHG inventories) for lactating cows in semi-intensive Kenyan production conditions. Edward's primary research area is ruminant nutrition with special emphasis in feed efficiency, energy and protein utilization, and enteric methane emissions.