Technology showcases in Africa RISING Phase II in Ethiopia

screenshot-2017-11-9-technology-showcases-ar_technologyshowcase_nov2017-pdf1-e1510549686392.pngDuring its first phase (2012-2016), the Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING) project in the Ethiopian highlands implemented various action-based on-farm research activities that align with the Ethiopian government priorities. A total of 22 action-related protocols alongside 11 explanatory protocols were identified and grouped under seven thematic areas.

  • Feed and forage development.
  • Field crop varietal selection and management.
  • Integration of high-value products into mixed farming system.
  • Improved land and water management for sustainability.
  • Mixed farming system through more effective crop-livestock system integration
  • Cross-cutting problems and opportunities.
  • Knowledge management, exchange and capacity development.

A recent report highlights some of the technology showcases that are proposed for scaling up in the second phase of the project which runs from 2017-2021. Unlike the first phase, which was limited to two kebeles  in each of the four regions (Amhara, Oromia, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’, and Tigray), the second phase is working with partners to reach more beneficiaries.

The report gives a background and description of the technologies, evidence of benefits, alignment with Ethiopia government / United States Agency for International Development (USAID) priorities, the planned partnerships for scaling, proposed beneficiaries and planned activities.

Download the Technology showcases report.