Building capacity in greenhouse gas analytics beyond ILRI’s Mazingira Centre
Besides the scaling of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using models (see our previous training event here) there is a crucial need to build capacity on core analytics for GHG concentrations measurements such as gas chromatography. Based on the available instruments within ILRI’s Mazingira Centre, local universities (Maseno University) and national research centres (KALRO) we invited an expert on gas analytics to give a training on the principles of gas chromatography as well as structure maintenance and troubleshooting of existing instruments. The training comprised theoretical lectures and four days of hands-on training in the Mazingira gas laboratory.

Practical training on gas analytics and troubleshooting @ ILRI’s Mazingira Centre. photo credit Lutz Merbold
Feedback from the research technician after the one-week training included the appreciation of replenishing existing skills and also the detail on the various of troubleshooting technical problems as well as on how to increase sensitivity of the existing instruments. Besides this, particular emphasis was given on the periphery of the instruments such as gas generators and the importance of stable power supply. This training was supported by our Programme on Climate Smart Livestock and contributes to the outcomes of the Core Research Programs on Livestock and Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Research Technicians and scientists from ILRI, KALRO and Maseno University attending the training. photo credit Lutz Merbold