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World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): A Strategic Partnership to Safeguard Global Animal Health

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World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): A strategic partnership to safeguard global animal health

Mama Chumba in her shop


Milking it: boosting profit and professionalization in Kenya’s informal dairy sector

ILRI team provided a presentation during the closing session to bid successfully for hosting the 2027 Safe Pork conference in Vietnam.

Global Safe Pork conference to come to Asia in 2027

Nepal policymakers in the forage plots (ILRI / Madeline Wong)

CGIAR Research Initiative scientists advise Nepal government on linking research and policy

Smallholder poultry farming in Kenya

New science

New study evaluates antimicrobial use by smallholder poultry farmers in Kajiado and Machakos counties in Kenya

A Samburu pastoralist and his animals

Science and advocacy: finding the right balance

Participants at the SAPLING Uganda Nutrition stakeholders' workshop- May 2023


FoodSENSE offers new ways of assessing and tackling malnutrition in Uganda

Demba Sabally, the Gambian Minister for Agriculture meets with some of the ministry officials and stakeholders during one of the events to launching the Gambia LMP


The Gambia launches five-year livestock master plan for national development

Pearl millet (ILRI)

New study on pearl millet unveils opportunities for climate-resilient feed and forage