News Archive

The status of pig welfare in selected districts of Uganda: implications for health and productivity interventions

New research offers insights on bridging the gap between policy and reality in Kenya’s informal milk sector

Extracting blood sample from sheep to determine the prevalence of brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever (ILRI/Geoffrey Njenga)


Q fever common in Tana River and Garissa counties: New study reveals


Co-infection project’s seroprevalence study helps Isiolo County take first steps towards tackling zoonoses

Tackling ‘rational’ antibiotic use in agriculture to slow the spread of antimicrobial resistance

Taking context seriously: In the developing world, containing COVID-19 came at a cost only now being understood

Experts call for investment in zoonotic disease surveillance in remote rural areas to improve global health security

Bio security level 3 lab at ILRI


Building biosafety and biosecurity capacity in northern Kenya to respond to biological threats


Creating greater consumer demand to improve food safety in Ethiopia