One Health and antimicrobial resistance


On 28 June 2023, ILRI scientist Hung Nguyen-Viet was invited to present on the subject of One Health and antimicrobial resistance to a group of United Kingdom (UK) Members of Parliament and Peers. The aim was to provide the parliamentarians with expert advice on how topics relevant to their experience and electorate intersect with antimicrobial resistance. The presentation was under the auspices of a project in the UK Parliament funded by the Foundation to Prevent Antibiotic Resistance (


Hung Nguyen-Viet and Moodley, A. 2023. One Health and antimicrobial resistance. Presentation at a workshop on AMR in UK Parliament, 28 June 2023. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.


  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Moodley, Arshnee