Laos long-term study on zoonotic parasitic diseases in livestock: Approaches and initial challenges using a cross-sectorial approach


Parasites (including zoonoses) in livestock and fish are widely distributed
in Laos and can have a significant impact as foodborne diseases
and also on economy, public health and international food trade. In
addition some characteristics of animal production and food consumption
habits in Laos may promote zoonotic disease transmission.
The objectives of this study are to assess parasitic zoonoses distribution,
improve animal health, reduce animal and human health risks and
develop a cross-sectorial collaboration platform and dissemination
strategy. By using companion modeling (ComMod) that has been
applied in the field of participatory natural resource management and
the OneHealth approach our research will strongly focus on community
involvement and cross-sectoral collaboration among stakeholders.
Following an across discipline research team consisting of vets, public
health and social scientists has been established. Moreover, a research
framework has been jointly developed by team members that include
quantitative (e.g. serological sampling) and also qualitative methods
such as PRA and PE. Investigation and Data collection targeting three
provinces of southern Laos will commence with PRA/PE in June and last
until December 2015 followed by serological sampling for prioritized
parasitic zoonoses in 2016. Expected outputs are the distribution for
prioritized parasitic zoonosis, better knowledge and understanding on
parasitic zoonoses and related risk factors, a set of feasible control
options and a cross-sectoral collaboration platform. Initial challenges
(e.g. identification of a common research topic) and how they were
addressed will be presented apart from preliminary PRA results on
diseases prioritization (livestock and humans) if timely available.


Putthana, V., Promburom, P., Unger, F., Chittavong, M., Suthammavong, F. and Phonekhampheng, O. 2015. Laos long-term study on zoonotic parasitic diseases in livestock: Approaches and initial challenges using a cross-sectorial approach. Presented at the 4th Food Safety and Zoonoses Symposium for Asia Pacific and 2nd Regional EcoHealth Symposium, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 3-5 August 2015. Ban Dongdok, Laos: National University of Laos.


  • Putthana, V.
  • Promburom, P.
  • Unger, Fred
  • Chittavong, M.
  • Suthammavong, F.
  • Phonekhampheng, O.