Publications Archive

ILRI’s key programs to address infectious diseases, areas requiring international cooperation, and plans for cooperation with the Republic of Korea

  • Unger, Fred
  • Hu Suk Lee
  • Okoth, Edward A.
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
ILRI publication cover

FoodSENSE: A decision support framework for nutrition and food security interventions

  • Hammond, James
  • Caulfield, Mark E.
  • Omosa, Esther B.
  • Achandi, Esther L.
  • Dominguez-Salas, Paula
  • Ahumuza, Ronnie
  • Spray, Andrea
  • Ouma, Emily A.

Patient-related healthcare costs for diarrhoea, Guillain Barré syndrome and invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis in Gondar, Ethiopia, 2020

  • Wagenberg, C.P.A. van
  • Delele, T.G.
  • Havelaar, A.H.

Regional integrated agricultural development project in the great lakes (PRDAIGL)

  • International Livestock Research Institute

Evaluation du coût de production et de déploiement du vaccin thermostable contre la peste des petits ruminants au Mali

  • Dembélé, E.

Transcriptome analysis of differentially expressed circRNAs miRNAs and mRNAs during the challenge of coccidiosis

  • Chen, Xiaolan
  • Wang, Zhijun
  • Chen, Yangfeng
  • Akinci, I.
  • Luo, Wei
  • Xu, Yibin
  • Jebessa, Endashaw
  • Blake, D.
  • Sparks, N.
  • Hanotte, Olivier H.
  • Nie, Qinghua

The value of vaccines in One Health

  • Moodley, Arshnee

A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat

  • Lazarus, J.V.
  • Romero, D.
  • Kopka, C.J.
  • Karim, S.A.
  • Abu-Raddad, L.J.
  • Almeida, G.
  • Baptista-Leite, R.
  • Barocas, J.A.
  • Barreto, M.L.
  • Bar-Yam, Y.
  • Bassat, Q.
  • Batista, C.
  • Bazilian, M.
  • Chiou, S.-T.
  • Rio, C. del
  • Dore, G.J.
  • Gao, G.F.
  • Gostin, L.O.
  • Hellard, M.
  • Jimenez, J.L.
  • Kang, G.
  • Lee, N.
  • Matičič, M.
  • McKee, M.
  • COVID-19 Consensus Statement Panel

CGIAR initiative on One Health: Protecting human health through a One Health approach

  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Hoffmann, Vivian
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Moodley, Arshnee
  • Mateo-Sagasta, Javier
  • Mohan, Chadag V.
  • Daszak, P.
  • Bonfoh, B.