Publications Archive

Understanding maternal food choice for preschool children across urban-rural settings in Vietnam

  • Duong, C.
  • Jenkins, M.
  • Pyo, E.
  • Phuong Hong Nguyen
  • Tuyen Huynh
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Young, M.F.
  • Ramakrishnan, U.

In vitro antioxidant activities of plant polyphenol extracts and their combined effect with flaxseed on raw and cooked breast muscle fatty acid content, lipid health indices and oxidative stability in slow-growing Sasso chickens

  • Tadesse, D.
  • Retta, N.
  • Girma, Mekonnen
  • Ndiwa, Nicholas N.
  • Dessie, Tadelle
  • Hanotte, Olivier H.
  • Getachew, P.
  • Dannenberger, Dirk
  • Maak, S.

Estimating the Return on Investment

  • Caulfield, Mark E.
  • Hammond, James
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Thorne, Peter J.

Major challenges and researchable issues of the dairy sector in mixed farming systems of north Shewa and Hadiya zones, Ethiopia

  • Assefa, Getnet
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Whitbread, Anthony M.

High Value Fruit Trees (HVFT) Production in the Highlands of Ethiopia: Enhancing Household Income, Food Security and nutrition

  • Woldemeskel, Endalkachew
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Dubale, Workneh
  • Seifu, Haimanot

Livestock Feed and Forage Innovations Photo Story

  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Bezabih, Melkamu
  • Adie, Aberra
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Thorne, Peter J.
  • Whitbread, Anthony M.
  • Seifu, Haimanot

Bridging the gap in data from smallholder dairy systems; The Africa Dairy Genetic Gains (ADGG) Data platform

  • Ojango, Julie M.K.
  • Okeyo Mwai, Ally
  • Mrode, Raphael A.
  • Chinyere, Ekine
  • Gebreyohanes, Gebregziabher
  • Rao, E.J.O.
  • Meseret, Selam
  • Mogaka, David
  • Lyatuu, Eliamoni T.R.
  • Komwihangilo, Daniel M.
  • Msuta, G.
  • Gibson, John P.
  • Kemp, Stephen J.

In search of a new tool for phenotyping tick resistance in cattle

  • Matika, O.
  • Foster, S.
  • Githaka, Naftaly W.
  • Mwendia, C.
  • Brown, H.
  • Watson, K.
  • Djikeng, Appolinaire
  • Birkett, M.

Milk quality and safety in the informal sector in Assam, India: governance, perceptions, and practices

  • Nicolini, G.
  • Guarín, A.
  • Deka, Ram Pratim
  • Vorley, B.
  • Alonso, Silvia
  • Blackmore, E.
  • Grace, Delia