Publications Archive

Intensification of food production systems: A boon or a bane?

  • Kennady, Vijayalakshmy
  • Chakraborty, Sharmistha
  • Biswal, Jyotsnarani
  • Rahman, Habibar

Manual for addressing major reproductive problems and mastitis in dairy animals in Nepal zones

  • Deka, Ram Pratim
  • Das, Naba Kumar
  • Ghimire, Laxman Prasad
  • Pathak, Mamta

Scoping visit in Kaya, Burkina Faso, for the Poultry Losses and One Health (POLOH): Reducing losses and zoonotic risks along the poultry value chain through a One Health approach

  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Ilboudo, Guy S.
  • Kagembega, A.
  • Ima-Ouoba, S.

Diagnostic challenges of brucellosis in humans and livestock in Tanzania: A thematic review

  • Mengele, I.J.
  • Shirima, G.M.
  • Bronsvoort, B.M.
  • Hernandez-Castro, L.E.
  • Cook, Elizabeth A.J.

Quantitative analysis of knowledge, attitude and practice of workers in chicken slaughter slabs toward food safety and hygiene in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  • Assefa, Ayalew
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Ilboudo, Guy S.
  • Lallogo, Valérie R.
  • Gemeda, Biruk A.
  • Grace, Delia
  • Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.

Epidemiology of selected respiratory diseases and their impacts on smallholder pig production systems in Lira District, Uganda

  • Oba, Peter

Assessment of food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices among meat handlers in Bishoftu City, Ethiopia

  • Abunna, F.
  • Kaba, M.
  • Mor, Siobhan M.
  • Megersa, B.
ILRI publication cover

Reproductive Health Management of Buffalo in Nepal

  • Deka, Ram Pratim
  • Varijakshapanicker, Padmakumar

Development of high-throughput sample preparation procedures for the quantitative determination of aflatoxins in biological matrices of chickens and cattle using UHPLC-MS/MS

  • Baere, S. de
  • Ochieng, P.E.
  • Kemboi, D.C.
  • Scippo, M.-L.
  • Okoth, S.
  • Lindahl, Johanna F.
  • Gathumbi, J.K.
  • Antonissen, G.
  • Croubels, S.