Publications Archive

Theories of Change for Transformation

  • Thornton, Philip K.
  • Cramer, Laura K.
  • Kristjanson, Patricia M.
  • Schuetz, Tonya
  • Szilagyi, Lili

Policies and Design Processes to Enable Transformation

  • Pereira, Laura
  • Vrettos, Chris
  • Cramer, Laura K.
  • Drimie, Scott
  • Muiderman, Karlijn
  • Schapendonk, Frans
  • Stringer, Lindsay C.
  • Veeger, Marieke
  • Vervoort, Joost M.
  • Wamukoya, George

Organising for Change: Empowerment for Farmers, Women, Youth, and Communities

  • Huyer, Sophia
  • Bullock, Renee
  • Buzingo, Jackson
  • Chanana, Nitya
  • Firmian, Ilaria
  • Healy-Thow, Sophie
  • Karakolis, Dara
  • Mugo, Victor
  • Mungai, Catherine
  • Radeny, Maren A.O.
  • Recha, John W.M.
  • Salawu, Azeez
  • Sargeant, Stephanie
  • Vertegaal, Doris M.

Working across Scales and Actors for Transforming Food Systems

  • Aggarwal, Pramod K.
  • Ambasta, Ashesh
  • Castellanos, Andrea
  • Gummadi, Sridhar
  • Højte, Simone
  • Martínez Barón, Deissy
  • Mwongera, Caroline
  • Ouédraogo, Mathieu
  • Radeny, Maren A.O.
  • Rusdall, Tone
  • Sander, Björn Ole
  • Sebastian, Leocadio
  • Wassmann, Reiner

Making food safety interventions benefit the most vulnerable urban consumers in Vietnam and Cambodia

  • Minh Cam Duong
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Tum, S.
  • Young, M.F.

Poultry Losses and One Health (POLOH): Reducing losses and zoonotic risks along the poultry value chain through a One Health approach—Transferring qualitative research skills to local stakeholders in the context of poultry health and One Health

  • Lallogo, Valérie R.
  • Ilboudo, Guy S.
  • Dione, Michel M.

Rabies and dog bite management training for community health volunteers in Kathiani sub-county, Machakos, Kenya

  • Karani, Maurice K.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Thomas, Lian F.
  • Muloi, Dishon M.
  • Bor, Nicholas

Field sampling report—Pig skin biopsy and fibroblast culture trial

  • Ogugo, Moses
  • Muhonja, Christine Kamidi
  • Owido, Milton
  • Tiambo, Christian K.

Analysis of patterns of livestock movements in the Cattle Corridor of Uganda for risk-based surveillance of infectious diseases

  • Hasahya, Emmanuel
  • Thakur, K.
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Kerfua, S.D.
  • Mugezi, I.
  • Hu Suk Lee