Publications Archive

Human health impacts of dams and reservoirs: neglected issues in a One Health perspective

  • Ramamurthy, R.
  • Bleser, J.
  • Konradsen, F.
  • Kibret, S.
  • Opperman, J.
  • You, L.
  • Sloff, K.
  • McCartney, M.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Boelee, E.

Changes in Nigeria’s enabling environment for nutrition from 2008 to 2019 and challenges for reducing malnutrition

  • Adeyemi, O.
  • Bold, M. van den
  • Nisbett, N.
  • Covic, Namukolo M.

How can climate change and its interaction with other compounding risks be considered in evaluation? Experiences from Vietnam

  • Lam, S.
  • Dodd, W.
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Unger, Fred
  • Trang T.H. Le
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Skinner, K.
  • Papadopoulos, A.
  • Harper, S.L.

CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion (SAPLING): IPSR Innovation Portfolio Management Report

  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Rekik, Mourad
  • Ouma, Emily A.
  • Galiè, Alessandra
  • Kassie, Girma T.
  • Notenbaert, An Maria Omer
  • Okeyo Mwai, Ally
  • Haile, Aynalem
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Wamatu, Jane
  • Thierfelder, Christian L.
  • Varijakshapanicker, Padmakumar
  • Rao, E.J.O.
  • Esatu, Wondmeneh
  • Sánchez Garcia, Miguel
  • Hammond, James
  • Konlambigue, Matieyedou
  • Lacasta, Anna
  • Marshall, Karen

Gender roles in the perception of safe pork and its organoleptic characteristics in Vietnam

  • Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong
  • Pham Van Hung
  • Pham Duc Phuc
  • Le Thi Thanh Huyen
  • Toribio, Jenny-Ann
  • Unger, Fred

Improved diet and health data for decision-making in agriculture and nutrition in Africa

  • Jensen, Nathaniel D.
  • Sibanda, S.

Prevalence of human and animal fasciolosis in Butajira and Gilgel Gibe health demographic surveillance system sites in Ethiopia

  • Abaya, S.W.
  • Mereta, S.T.
  • Tulu, F.D.
  • Mekonnen, Z.
  • Ayana, M.
  • Girma, M.
  • Vineer, H.R.
  • Mor, Siobhan M.
  • Caminade, C.
  • Graham-Brown, J.

Diarrhea illness in livestock keeping households in Cambodia: An analysis using a One Health framework

  • Asakura, Shingo
  • Khieu, B.
  • Seng, S.
  • Pok, S.
  • Ty, C.
  • Phiny, C.
  • Srey, T.
  • Blacksell, S.D.
  • Gilbert, Jeffrey
  • Grace, Delia
  • Alonso, Silvia

Forage Seed Production and commercialization

  • Assefa, Getnet
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Bezabih, Melkamu
  • Seifu, Haimanot