Publications Archive

Transboundary animal diseases: Research and development priorities for resilient agrifood systems

  • Hung Nguyen-Viet

Heavy metal contamination in retailed food in Bangladesh: a dietary public health risk assessment

  • Begum, R.
  • Akter, R.
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Islam, S.
  • Siddiky, N.A.
  • Uddin, A.S.M.A.
  • Mahmud, A.
  • Sarker, M.S.
  • Grace, Delia
  • Samad, M.A.
  • Lindahl, Johanna F.

Low Emissions Food Systems Initiative in Kenya

  • Cramer, Laura K.
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Engaging fathers to support child nutrition increases frequency of children’s animal source food consumption in Rwanda

  • Flax, Valerie L.
  • Ouma, Emily A.
  • Schreiner, M.-A.
  • Ufitinema, A.
  • Niyonzima, E.
  • Colverson, Kathleen E.
  • Galiè, Alessandra
ILRI publication cover

Laos MFS initiative inception workshop and field visit: Insights of ILRI-Ethiopia team

  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Whitbread, Anthony M.

Assessing disease risk perceptions of wild meat in savanna borderland settlements in Kenya and Tanzania

  • Patel, Ekta
  • Martin, A.
  • Funk, S.M.
  • Yongo, M.
  • Floros, C.
  • Thomson, J.
  • Fa, J.E.

Seroepidemiology of Leptospira serovar Hardjo and associated risk factors in smallholder dairy cattle in Tanzania

  • Motto, S.K.
  • Hernandez-Castro, L.E.
  • Shirima, G.M.
  • Mengele, I.J.
  • Bwatota, S.F.
  • Bronsvoort, B.M.C.
  • Lyatuu, Eliamoni T.R.
  • Komwihangilo, Daniel M.
  • Cook, Elizabeth A.J.
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International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) One Health Day, 28 April 2023: Meeting report

  • Patel, Ekta

Spatial and temporal distribution of Taenia solium and its risk factors in Uganda

  • Ngwili, Nicholas
  • Sentamu, Derrick N.
  • Korir, M.
  • Adriko, M.
  • Beinamaryo, P.
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Kaducu, J.M.
  • Mubangizi, A.
  • Mwinzi, P.N.
  • Thomas, Lian F.
  • Dixon, M.A.