Publications Archive

Livestock feed and forage innovations for improved productivity in the highlands of Ethiopia

  • Bezabih, Melkamu
  • Adie, Aberra
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million

Food System in Nandi County. A situational and stakeholder focused analysis on low emission food system development

  • Jalang’o Anyango, Dorcas
  • Habermann, Birgit
  • Korir, Daniel

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) One Health Day, 28 April 2023: Meeting report

  • Patel, Ekta

Continuous observations of CO2 and CH4 exchange from East-African rangelands

  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Odongo, Vincent O.
  • Dowling, T.
  • Fava, F.
  • Glücks, I.
  • Vrieling, A.
  • Wooster, M.
  • Leitner, Sonja

Consumers' willingness to pay for safe and quality milk: Evidence from experimental auctions in Rwanda

  • Habiyaremye, Naphtal
  • Mtimet, Nadhem
  • Ouma, Emily A.
  • Obare, G.A.

Ten things you should know about rabies

  • Slater, Annabel
  • Njenga, Geoffrey
  • Bor, Nicholas
  • Thomas, Lian F.

How One Health approach contributes to sustainable food systems transformation for sustainable healthy diets

  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Unger, Fred
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
ILRI publication cover

Science in context: Pork tapeworm with Dr Matthew Dixon-Zegeye & Dr Nicholas Ngwili

  • MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis

Identifying pig- and pork-associated zoonotic and foodborne hazards in eastern and southern Africa: A systematised review

  • Kayano, T.
  • Pulford, J.
  • Thomas, Lian F.