Hitting the target and missing the point? On the risks of measuring women’s empowerment in agricultural development
Tavenner, Katie
Crane, Todd A.
The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19
Habermann, Birgit
Crane, Todd A.
Gichuki, Leah
Worku, Tigist
Mugumya, Roland
Maiyo, N.
Kiptoo, E.
Goshme, Shenkute
Mohammednur, F.
Geoffrey, T.
Satia, A.
Siamito, R.
The politics of governing resilience: Gendered dimensions of climate-smart agriculture in Kenya
Brisebois, Anouk
Eriksen, Siri H.
Crane, Todd A.
The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19
Habermann, Birgit
Crane, Todd A.
Gichuki, Leah
Worku, Tigist
Mugumya, Roland
Maiyo, Nathan
Kiptoo, E.
Goshme, Shenkute
Mohammednur, F.
Tugume, G.
Satia, K.A.
Siamito, J.R.
Designing fit-for-context climate change adaptation tracking: Towards a framework for analyzing the institutional structures of knowledge production and use
Njuguna, Lucy
Biesbroek, Robbert
Crane, Todd A.
Tamás, Peter
Dewulf, Art
Research protocol: Adaptation practices in livestock systems - Participatory adaptation analysis
Habermann, Birgit
Crane, Todd A.
Worku, Tigist
Gichuki, Leah
Mugumya, Roland
What can we learn from the literature about livestock interventions and women's empowerment?
Baltenweck, Isabelle
Galiè, Alessandra
Katz, Elizabeth
Eldermire, Erin
Achandi, Esther L.
Njuguna-Mungai, Esther
Gichuki, Leah
Njiru, Nelly
Haan, Nicoline C. de
Bullock, Renee
Crane, Todd A.
Campbell, Zoë A.
AICCRA Kenya Inception Workshop Report
Crane, Todd A.
Research protocol: Adaptation practices in livestock systems—scoping study