Scaling agroforestry to benefit the welfare of animals and their owners in Ethiopia
Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA)
Circulation of antibiotic resistance genes at the wildlife–livestock interface in Kapiti, Kenya
Silvopastoralism and welfare of animals in Borana
ESSA - Earth observation and environmental sensing for climate-smart sustainable agropastoral ecosystem transformation in East Africa
Synergies of animal welfare and agroforestry to benefit farming systems in Ethiopia
One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihoods (HEAL)
One Health regional network for the Horn of Africa
Africa Asia Dairy Genetic Gains (AADGG)
Linking biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in the Serengeti-Mara region, East Africa: Drivers of change, causalities and sustainable management strategies (AfricanBioServices)
Mapping hotspots of ecosystem services in Tana Basin: a review of vulnerable and resilient areas