Production of disease tolerant cloned cattle in Africa

It is imperative to maximize economic profit through the improvement of cloned animal production to be able to cut down on expenses compared to conventional improvement technique. There is demand for needed research using Molecular Biology and Genetics for efficiency improvement of cloned animal production. There is also demand for technical development for the protection of extermination, conservation, restoration and propagation of national genetic resources. This project aims to provide active leadership of related industry and establishment of livestock reproductive research in Africa


1. To reproduce herd through reproductive technique on cattle with disease tolerance in Africa

2. To maximize livestock production through establishment of embryo production with disease tolerance

3. To secure genetic diversity according to production of cloned animal with disease tolerance in Africa


Location: Kenya, Korea


1. Security of genetic diversity by gathering reproductive cells with genetic elements of disease tolerance in Africa

2. Development of valuable species by using genetic elements of disease tolerance

3. Famine reduction through reproduction of cattle with disease tolerance in Africa


Contact: Steve Kemp