mPig: Mobile SMS learning for pigs - An innovative information sharing platform for smallholder pig value chain actors in Uganda
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) identified the pig sector in Uganda as one of nine livestock systems worldwide where research investments are most likely to make a major difference to the livelihoods and diets of poor people. Since 2012, the CGIAR Research Programs Livestock and Fish and on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health have been conducting research on the performance of the pig value chain and the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the pork sector.
This project will support the CGIAR Research Project on Livestock and Fish by piloting innovative methods to disseminate information to pig value chain actors to increase pig growth and reproductive performance on farm, improve market access for poor value chain actors and ultimately improve food security through increased pork production.
The project supports the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health through applications on pig zoonoses, production of safe pork and improved human nutrition. The research will directly build on work by the two CGIAR Research Programs targeting pro-poor smallholder pig value chains in Uganda and funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Irish Aid and BMZ (through the Safe Food Fair Food project).
The project will also link farmers, traders, butchers and consumers to the information platform, thereby greatly enhancing the probability of success and ultimate development impact.