Judy Kimani

Judy Kimani

Communications Specialist

Judy has over ten years of experience and skills in developing and implementing communication strategies to meet institutional communication objectives across various lines of work.

She is currently working at ILRI's Policies, Institutions and Livelihoods Program.

She has a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Daystar University and a master’s degree in Organisational Development from the United States International University. 


My Blog Posts

Hon. Abdallah Hamisi Ulega, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries


Policy in action - how the Livestock Master Plan influenced Tanzania’s livestock sector

SAPLING works in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam


Three years, seven countries: Lessons learned from the CGIAR SAPLING Initiative

Young men carrying milk


Bridging agri-food policy and science in Kenya

A cattle herd at Shamba Kubwa farm in Wami Sokoine village, Tanzania (Simon Fravaal/ILRI)


The Africa Asia Dairy Genetic Gains project launches mobile app to track dairy animal performance

Milking a cow


Dairy farmer extension services model: a successful research trial in Kenya's dairy sector

Policy Mapping of Food, Land and Water Policies in Kenya


Policy and institutional landscape analysis in Kenya's food, land and water systems

Rationalizing the agriculture produce cess and other market-related levies in Kenya


Rationalizing the agriculture produce cess and other market-related levies in Kenya

SAPLING Initiative key results for 2023


SAPLING Initiatives Pause and Reflect moment for the year 2024

Kenya SAPLING stakeholders during a workshop in 2024


A new herd health manual for smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya

Enhancing child nutrition in Rwanda


Does engaging fathers in child nutrition support an increase in health-improving practices?

Demba Sabally, the Gambian Minister for Agriculture meets with some of the ministry officials and stakeholders during one of the events to launching the Gambia LMP


The Gambia launches five-year livestock master plan for national development

Harnessing digital innovations

Harnessing digital innovations for gender and social inclusion in Kenya and Rwanda

Woman harvesting Irrigated fodder-ILSSI

Gendered Feed Assessment Tool (G-FEAST)

ILRI research project in Ghana

ILRI research project in Ghana is identifying approaches that benefit women in vaccine delivery

Enhancing coordination and collaboration across CGIAR centers in Kenya

woman at a market in Mali


Mapping the extent of gender responsiveness in agriculture and food policies in Africa

Odisha State unveils its five-year livestock investment master plan

Livestock vaccines are linked to women empowerment in northern Ghana

Implications of a gendered approach in improving small ruminant productivity

Addressing the challenges of cattle and beef trade in Nigeria

Importance of considering gender for sustainability of development programs

The Kenyan dairy and poultry sectors to benefit from a new research initiative

Improved forages empower smallholder women livestock keepers in Kenya and Ethiopia


Marking the Open Access Week 2021 with a focus on research output from ILRI’s Policies, Institutions and Livelihoods Program

Aligning and combining interventions key to One CGIAR sustainable animal productivity initiative in Ethiopia

National priorities to guide One CGIAR sustainable animal productivity initiative in Uganda

Extending past development gains important for One CGIAR sustainable animal productivity initiative in Tanzania

Upgrading indigenous genetic resources important for One CGIAR sustainable animal productivity initiative in Nepal

Cattle in pictures


The Kenya Livestock Master Plan process initiated to enhance sustainable development and investment in the sector


Assessing the role of cooperatives in promoting adoption of livestock vaccines in Kenya


ILRI marks International Women's Day 2021 by reflecting on the impact of COVID-19 on women leaders

Social and behaviour change improves milk consumption for Rwanda’s children

Research topic in Frontiers to consolidate findings on delivery of livestock inputs and services in low- and middle-income countries

Addressing Uganda’s pig value chain constraints, the PigSmart way

New research examines gender dynamics in seed systems development

‘Livestock master plan’ launched to transform meat, milk and poultry production in The Gambia

ILRI signs MoU with UNEP to collaborate in sustainable livestock and environmental development

India’s Odisha state starts work on a livestock master plan

Using the livestock master plan process to boost investment in livestock development

How in-kind performance support system is increasing access to high-quality milk in Rwanda

Using theory of change for outcome-oriented research

Nurturing young scientists to inform agricultural development, food security and nutrition policies in Kenya

ILRI develops framework for integrating gender in livestock genetic improvement programs

On this International Women’s Day 2020, ILRI commits to strengthening women’s rights in livestock systems and enterprises

Power through: a new concept in the women empowerment discourse

Power through: a new concept in women's empowerment discourse

New York Global Landscapes Forum ‘Restore the Earth’ 2019

ILRI and FANRPAN test nutrition data collection in rural communities using pictography

Climate-smart livestock program rolled out in southwestern Uganda

Celebrating the open access week at ILRI

Analysing Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) data to identify pathways towards food security

ILC Rangelands Initiative partners draw attention to rangelands at the UNCCD COP

Manual on woreda participatory land use planning launched in Ethiopia

Cambodia’s Safe Food, Fair Food project addresses major food safety issues

Fiona Flintan recognized by Ethiopian government for contributing to sustainable rangelands

After national launch, climate-smart livestock program rolled out in Ethiopia’s Amhara region

Kenya launches spatial planning guidelines and toolkits for pastoral areas

Novel Kenyan insurance programs recognized for helping women as well as men pastoral herders

ILRI’s Jimmy Smith promotes ‘low-carbon’ and ‘climate-smart cows’ at the Africa Food Security Leadership Dialogue, in Rwanda

#ThrowbackThursday video—sweetpotato recipe for silage success

Linking research-for-development and community needs in the climate-smart livestock systems project

Unravelling value chains through participatory modelling: part 3

Unravelling value chains through participatory modelling: part 2

Unravelling value chains through participatory modelling: part II

Unravelling value chains through participatory modelling

National livestock sector policies and planning under a changing global economy

Tanzania launches USD596 million livestock master plan

Shaping the future of livestock in Kenya

The right tools for the job: enabling breeding programs to be gender-responsive

Business-to-business forums spur economic growth in northern Kenya

Celebrating achievements of women in livestock development at the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD@10) event

Role of trust and collaborative networks in developing smallholder farmers’ agribusiness capacities

Improved cattle feeding holds the key to dairy sector growth in Nicaragua

Empowering researchers to undertake gender responsive agricultural research in Ethiopia

Leveraging higher demand for livestock-derived foods to meet nutritional needs of the world’s poor

ILRI data analyst wins award for presentation on new procedure for mapping livestock keeping patterns

Trade-offs in sustainable intensification of smallholder livestock systems: Balancing benefits for farmers and stakeholders

Enhancing global livestock advocacy for sustainable development