Which ones did you read and download?Africa RISING’s most popular online products and resources in 2017

As the curtain falls on 2017; here at Africa RISING we can only look back and say, “what a a great year”! Sure it was one heck of a roller coaster, but we enjoyed the ride.

You our dear online followers, the global knowledge community that we are a part of and endeavor to always serve made the year fabulous through constant engagement with the numerous material we published on our platforms.

Some of these materials really seemed to have resonated quite positively with you. That is if the numbers of hits to the website, downloads and page views are to be believed.

So, which were the most popular products in 2017? …and did you see it? If you didn’t see it (all), then here’s a quick tour of the crème de la crème (online) from our end this year.

Website articles

The website is the public face for the program. Page peaked at 35,862 page views with 19,004 visitors to the page. Here are the most viewed pages over the past year.

  1. Expanding use of solar irrigation pumps in Ethiopia (361 views)
  2. Tree lucerne a promising animal feed option for Ethiopia farmers (303 views)
  3. Empowering agricultural extension agents to deliver improved farming technologies (302 views)
  4. Addressing smallholder farmers’ needs with green manure cover crops and agroforestry in Zambia (255)
  5. Economic evaluation of an improved grain storage technology in Tanzania (246 views)
  6. Gender-based constraints and opportunities to agricultural intensification in Ethiopia (220 views)
  7. Conservation agriculture – a system to adapt to climate variability and declining soil fertility in Zambia (207 views)
  8. Gender and water technologies use for irrigation and multiple purposes in Ethiopia (172 views)
  9. Taking agricultural technologies to scale: The Africa RISING-NAFAKA partnership in Tanzania (168 views)
  10. Doubled-up legume technologies in conservation agriculture show potential for scale up in Zambia (160 views)

Most popular outputs on CG Space

All formal outputs (reports, documents, papers, articles, presentations, videos, posters etc.) of the program are published in a dedicated collection on the Open Access CGSpace platform. In 2017, Africa RISING documents on CG Space were downloaded 42,199 times and viewed 161,977 times!

Item titleFile downloadsItem viewsSum
Mapping soil erosion hotspots and assessing the potential impacts of land management practices in the highlands of Ethiopia074,64874,648
Sustainable recommendation domains for scaling agricultural technologies in Tanzania045,97745,977
Gender-based constraints and opportunities to agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A systematic review439304743
Integrating a gender perspective to help scale Africa RISING technologies and practices: Requirements for proposal development and implementation261287548
Assessment of lifetime performance of small ruminants under different feeding systems0270270
Maize-legume intercropping in central Malawi: Determinants of practice0270270
Seeing through the gender lens: Capturing gender-sensitive stories in agricultural research and development411239650
Nutrition training manual for health and agriculture workers at community level in Ethiopia: Integrating nutrition into crop and livestock farming systems of the Ethiopian highlands for improved nutrition outcomes1,4752331,708
Gender Action Plan 2017 for the Africa RISING West Africa and East/Southern Africa Projects116226342
Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation: Program proposal for a second phase, 2016-2021156219375

Project partners and followers also continued to download photos from the Africa RISING photo repository on Flickr which currently has 1,576 photos.  All the images are free for use by all partners and followers under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

We hope this new year will bring much more interesting information to all of you as we continue to engage on our various online platforms and continue to share our products and outputs.

The Africa RISING team wishes you happiness and fulfillment in 2018.

Bring it on!