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ILRI and ICAR-IVRI discuss implementation of One Health Initiative in India

Recent research highlights the role of gender in pastoral and dryland innovations

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Recent research highlights the role of gender in pastoral and dryland innovations

M A Mohamed Saleem: A tribute


M A Mohamed Saleem: A tribute

ILRI's Hung Nguyen discusses the importance of science communication in achieving One Health goals at the FAO science and innovation forum

ILRI's Hung Nguyen discusses the importance of science communication in achieving One Health goals at the FAO science and innovation forum

The Capacity Development Unit celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with visit from secondary school 

The Capacity Development Unit celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with visit from secondary school 

ILRI's Derseh wins inaugural Neville Clarke Award

ILRI's Derseh wins inaugural Neville Clarke Award

Maize and legume intercops in Buhera


Conservation agriculture techniques are improving agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe’s drylands

Using social media to transform gender norms for women poultry farmers in Tanzania

Using social media to transform gender norms for women poultry farmers in Tanzania

Julie Ojango (left), animal breeding scientist, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) with Poline Achieng (right), farmer.

Using digital technology to integrate gender into genetics in small ruminant and dairy systems