2023Policies and Design Processes to Enable TransformationPereira, LauraVrettos, ChrisCramer, Laura K.Drimie, ScottMuiderman, KarlijnSchapendonk, FransStringer, Lindsay C.Veeger, MariekeVervoort, Joost M.Wamukoya, George
2023Opportunities to quantify resilience of dairy cattle to environmental stressors in Sub-Saharan AfricaOloo, Richard DoosoEkine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.Ojango, Julie M.K.Gebreyohanes, GebregziabherMrode, Raphael A.Okeyo Mwai, AllyChagunda, Mizeck G.G.
Training of national partners in Nepal on livestock genetic data analysisReportPublished on September 2024byInternational Livestock Research Institute Citation Nepal, Y., Mrode, R. and Ekine-Dzivenu, C. 2024. Training of national partners in Nepal on livestock genetic data analysis. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.AuthorsNepal, YanamaniMrode, Raphael A.Ekine-Dzivenu, Chinyere datageneticslivelihoodslivestock
2024A new app to help empower farmers with integrated data captureVolk, JenniferGebreyohanes, GebregziabherOjango, Julie M.K.Ekine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.Deka, Ram PratimMrode, Raphael A.Mogaka, DavidKipkosgei, GideonYusuf, JabesMessay, HassenKelya, NeemaMeseret, SelamLyatuu, EliamoniMukasa, ChristopherAgasi, HerbertDhulipala, RamKemp, SteveSalavati, M.Basnet, SureshKuruganti, P.Okeyo Mwai, Ally
2024Disseminating KAZNET crowdsourced dryland information: A report of the baseline survey in northern KenyaShikuku, Kelvin MashisiaLepariyo, WatsonAlulu, VincentBaraza, MeshackOchenje, IbrahimGalgallo, DibaMalicha, WarioChu, B.Banerjee, Rupsha R.