Memorandum of Understanding between the Tanzania National Land Use Planning Commission and ILRI supports the scaling of Livestock and Climate Initiative innovation participatory land use planning in pastoral areas


The National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC) serves as Tanzania’s primary land use planning agency, tasked with supervising national, regional and district spatial plans, as well as local village-level land use planning. In February 2024 the NLUPC’s Director General, Professor Wakuru Maseka, and ILRI’s Director General, Professor Appolinaire Djikeng, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate and upscale a core innovation of the CGIAR Research Initiative Livestock and Climate – participatory land use planning in pastoral areas.


Flintan, Fiona. 2024. Memorandum of Understanding between the Tanzania National Land Use Planning Commission and ILRI supports the scaling of Livestock and Climate Initiative innovation participatory land use planning in pastoral areas. Blog Post. Montpellier, France: CGIAR System Organization.


  • Flintan, Fiona E.