Publications Archive

Soil greenhouse gas emissions from a sisal chronosequence in Kenya

  • Wachiye, Sheila
  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Vesala, Timo
  • Rinne, Janne
  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Räsänen, Matti
  • Vuorinne, Ilja
  • Heiskanen, Janne
  • Pellikka, Petri

A framework for assessing the effects of shock events on livestock and environment in sub-Saharan Africa: The COVID-19 pandemic in northern Kenya

  • Graham, Michael
  • Chelanga, Philemon
  • Jensen, Nathaniel D.
  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Fava, Francesco P.
  • Merbold, Lutz

Effect of feeding practices and manure quality on CH4 and N2O emissions from uncovered cattle manure heaps in Kenya

  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Ring, Dónal
  • Wanyama, George N.
  • Korir, Daniel
  • Pelster, David E.
  • Goopy, John P.
  • Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
  • Merbold, Lutz
ILRI publication cover

Interactive effects of dung deposited onto urine patches on greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical pastures in Kenya

  • Zhu, Yuhao
  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Wolf, Benjamin
  • Pelster, David E.
  • Goopy, John P.
  • Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus

Closing maize yield gaps in sub-Saharan Africa will boost soil N2O emissions

  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Pelster, David E.
  • Werner, Christian R.
  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Baggs, Elizabeth M.
  • Mapanda, Farai
  • Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus

Greenhouse gas emissions and fertiliser quality from cattle manure Heaps in Kenya

  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Wanyama, George N.
  • Ring, Dónal
  • Korir, Daniel
  • Pelster, David E.
  • Goopy, John P.
  • Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
  • Merbold, Lutz
ILRI publication cover

The livestock sector, the pandemic, climate change and natural resource use in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Leitner, Sonja

N2O and CH4 emissions from cattle manure heaps in Kenya are lower than IPCC estimates

  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Ring, Dónal
  • Wanyama, George N.
  • Korir, Daniel
  • Pelster, David E.
  • Goopy, John P.
  • Merbold, Lutz

The effects of climate on decomposition of cattle, sheep and goat manure in Kenyan tropical pastures

  • Yuhao Zhu
  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Pelster, David E.
  • Abwanda, Sheila O.
  • Ngetich, Felix K.
  • Onyango, Alice A.
  • Pellikka, P.
  • Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus