Win-wins in food safety: Market-based interventions that deliver safer food, better nutrition and improved livelihoods
Alonso, Silvia
Animal health and sustainable intensification: Towards systematic and holistic prioritization of disease associated with consumption of livestock foods
Grace, Delia
Roesel, Kristina
Tum, S.
Ty, C.
Hung Nguyen-Viet
Unger, Fred
Dasman, H.
Haan, Nicoline C. de
Young, M.F.
Lindahl, Johanna F.
Alonso, Silvia
Brucella seroprevalence in cattle near a wildlife reserve in Kenya
Enström, S.
Nthiwa, D.
Bett, Bernard K.
Karlsson, A.
Alonso, Silvia
Lindahl, Johanna F.
Metagenomics in food safety: What's the added value? Case studies from the livestock sector in Tanzania and Uganda
Alonso, Silvia
Roesel, Kristina
Opiyo, S.
Stomeo, Francesca
Grace, Delia
Livestock and antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries
Alonso, Silvia
Grace, Delia
Pig farmers, pig eaters? Characterizing household and child feeding practices among smallholder pig farmers in Uganda
Alonso, Silvia
Kang'ethe, Erastus K.
Roesel, Kristina
Ngwili, N.
Muunda, Emmanuel M.
Grace, Delia
Food safety metrics relevant to low- and middle-income countries
Grace, Delia
Alonso, Silvia
Domínguez Salas, Paula
Fahrion, Anna S.
Häsler, Barbara
Heilmann, Martin
Hoffmann, Vivian
Kang'ethe, Erastus K.
Roesel, Kristina
The influence of livestock-derived foods on the nutrition of mothers and infants in developing countries during the first 1,000 days
Grace, Delia
Domínguez Salas, Paula
Alonso, Silvia
MoreMilk: Training, certification and marketing for dairy traders to improve health and nutrition