Publications Archive

Data management stocktaking—ILRI and Livestock CRP

  • Poole, Elizabeth J.

Open Access and Open Data at CGIAR: challenges and solutions

  • Devare, Medha
  • Zandstra, Megan
  • Clobridge, Abby
  • Fotsy, Michelle
  • Abreu, David
  • Arnaud, Elizabeth
  • Baraka, Paul
  • Bonaiuti, Enrico
  • Chukka, Srinivasa Rao
  • Dieng, Ibnou
  • Dreher, Kate
  • Erlita, Sufiet
  • Juarez, H.
  • Kim, Soonho
  • Koo, Jawoo
  • Muchlish, Usman
  • Müller, Martin
  • Mwanzia, Leroy
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Siddiqui, Salman

Sero-prevalence of Taenia spp. cysticercosis in rural and urban smallholder pig production settings in Uganda

  • Kungu, Joseph M.
  • Dione, Michel M.
  • Ejobi, F.
  • Harrison, L.J.S.
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Pezo, Danilo A.
  • Grace, Delia

Good data, smart analysis, meaningful conclusions: Towards a gender analysis framework

  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Ndiwa, Nicholas N.
  • Mmbone, Mildred

Embracing Theory of Change

  • Randolph, Thomas F.
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Kidoido, Michael M.

Kenya dairy farmer perception of moulds and mycotoxins and implications for exposure to aflatoxins: A gendered analysis

  • Kiama, T.N.
  • Lindahl, Johanna F.
  • Sirma, A.J.
  • Senerwa, D.M.
  • Waithanji, Elizabeth M.
  • Ochungo, P.A.
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Kang'ethe, Erastus K.
  • Grace, Delia

Immunogenicity and protection of the Theileria parva CTL antigen Tp1, with or without a leader sequence, using HAd5/MVA prime-boost vaccination

  • Svitek, Nicholas
  • Saya, R.
  • Awino, Elias
  • Gilbert, S.C.
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Nene, Vishvanath M.
  • Steinaa, Lucilla

Draft chicken performance testing protocols: Deliberations with country teams

  • Getachew, Fasil
  • Dessie, Tadelle
  • Bruno, Jasmine E.
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.

Smallholder goat production and marketing: A gendered baseline study from Inhassoro District Mozambique

  • Boogaard, Birgit K.
  • Waithanji, Elizabeth M.
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.
  • Cadilhon, Joseph J.