Publications Archive

Seroepidemiological study of interepidemic Rift Valley fever virus infection among persons with intense ruminant exposure in Madagascar and Kenya

  • Gray, G.C.
  • Anderson, B.D.
  • LaBeaud, D.
  • Heraud, J.M.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Andriamandimby, S.F.
  • Cook, Elizabeth A.J.
  • Dahir, S.
  • Glanville, William A. de
  • Heil, G.L.
  • Khan, S.U.
  • Muiruri, S.
  • Olive, M.M.
  • Thomas, Lian F.
  • Merrill, H.R.
  • Merrill, M.L.M.
  • Richt, J.A.

The influence of socio-economic, behavioural and environmental factors on Taenia spp. transmission in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional survey in humans and pigs

  • Wardrop, N.A.
  • Thomas, Lian F.
  • Atkinson, P.M.
  • Glanville, William A. de
  • Cook, Elizabeth A.J.
  • Wamae, C.N.
  • Gabriël, S.
  • Dorny, P.
  • Harrison, L.J.S.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.

Methodological framework for World Health Organization estimates of the global burden of foodborne disease

  • Devleesschauwer, Brecht
  • Haagsma, J.A.
  • Angulo, F.J.
  • Bellinger, D.C.
  • Cole, D.
  • Döpfer, D.
  • Fazil, A.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Gibb, H.J.
  • Hald, T.
  • Kirk, M.D.
  • Lake, R.J.
  • Noordhout, C.M. de
  • Mathers, C.D.
  • McDonald, S.A.
  • Pires, S.M.
  • Speybroeck, N.
  • Thomas, M.K.
  • Torgerson, Paul R.
  • Wu, F.
  • Havelaar, A.H.
  • Praet, N.

World Health Organization estimates of the global and regional disease burden of 11 foodborne parasitic diseases, 2010: A data synthesis

  • Torgerson, Paul R.
  • Devleesschauwer, Brecht
  • Praet, N.
  • Speybroeck, N.
  • Willingham, Arve Lee
  • Kasuga, F.
  • Rokni, M.B.
  • Zhou, X.N.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Sripa, B.
  • Gargouri, N.
  • Fürst, T.
  • Budke, C.M.
  • Carabin, H.
  • Kirk, M.D.
  • Angulo, F.J.
  • Havelaar, A.
  • Silva, N. de

Shrinking a large dataset to identify variables associated with increased risk of Plasmodium falciparum infection in Western Kenya

  • Tremblay, M.
  • Dahm, J.S.
  • Wamae, C.N.
  • Glanville, William A. de
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Dopfer, D.

Using a value chain framework for food safety assessment of broiler and indigenous chicken meat systems of Nairobi

  • Carron, M.
  • Alarcón, Pablo
  • Häsler, Barbara
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Karani, M.
  • Muinde, P.
  • Akoko, James M.
  • Onono, J.
  • Rushton, Jonathan

The role of food systems in improving maternal and child nutrition in challenging African low-income settings

  • Domínguez Salas, Paula
  • Alarcón, Pablo
  • Häsler, Barbara
  • Grace, Delia
  • Alonso, Silvia
  • Ferguson, E.
  • Cornelsen, L.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Rushton, Jonathan

Comment: Zoonoses in Africa

  • Fèvre, Eric M.

Value chain analysis as a tool for assessing food safety risks in the Nairobi pork food system

  • Muinde, P.
  • Karani, M.
  • Akoko, James M.
  • Rushton, Jonathan
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Domínguez Salas, Paula
  • Muloi, Dishon M.
  • Häsler, Barbara
  • Alarcón, Pablo