ILRI at the 29th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Climate Change
Join us at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, where we—ILRI, together with a diverse group of partners—are showcasing how innovative livestock solutions drive climate resilience and emissions reduction. From CGIAR and FAO's Food & Agriculture Pavilion to other key pavilions, we’ll be guiding conversations, sharing insights, and building partnerships focused on securing climate finance, advancing adaptation, and reducing emissions in livestock systems.
Financing climate solutions for livestock
Together with CGIAR and our partners, we’re exploring new ways to finance climate-resilient livestock practices that support small-scale producers. Our sessions will highlight how cross-sector partnerships open up new avenues to strengthen resilience for vulnerable communities.
Adaptation and emissions mitigation strategies
We’ll also be presenting our latest innovations in adaptation and emissions reduction—from methane-reducing feed and improved rangeland management to healthier, more productive animals and adaptive livestock breeds. These discussions illustrate how livestock systems, backed by our broad expertise and extensive partnerships, can effectively adapt to climate risks while reducing their environmental impact.

All times listed below are AZT (Azerbaijan time, GMT+4)
Date | Time | Session | Venue | Partners | ILRI speakers |
Tue 12 Nov | 09:00 - 10:30 | Cutting Carbon, Adapting Food Systems and Restoring Nature on the Path to 1.5⁰C | Zone D, meeting room MR23, | CGIAR | Namukolo Covic |
Wed 13 Nov | 10:00 - 11:00 | Locally Led Adaptation For Resilient Food And Agriculture: Co-Design, Collaboration, And Capacity | Food and Agriculture Pavilion | ILRI, CGIAR Climate Resilience Initiative | Todd Crane, Esther Omayio |
Thur 14 Nov | 10:00 - 11:30 | Leveraging science to finance solutions for sustainable food systems | Food and Agriculture Pavilion | ILRI, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT | Laura Cramer |
Thur 14 Nov | 10:00 - 13:00 | Financing resilient futures for smallholder farmers | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | CGIAR | Namukolo Covic |
Thur 14 Nov | 10:00 - 13:00 | Transforming Ethiopian Food Systems to Attain Food Security and Nutrition: The Case of Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Wheat Production and Yelemat Tirufat (Bounty of the Basket) | Ethiopia Pavilion | Ethiopia Ministry of Ag, WFP & ILRI | Namukolo Covic |
Sat 16 Nov | 11.30 - 12.30 | Policy zone: What's at Stake for Food Systems: Production vs. Food Systems Approach under UNFCCC (Capacity-Building Session) | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | ILRI, Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT, ProVeg, Changing Markets Foundation, Four Paws, MENA2050 | Namukolo Covic |
Sat 16 Nov | 13:15 - 14:45 | Climate change and animal agriculture: The consumption, better farming and soil health nexus | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | Compassion in World Farming, Four Paws | Todd Crane |
Sat 16 Nov | 15:00 - 16:30 | Science to Action: An Open, Cross-Sector Discussion on Meeting Climate and Development Challenges | Food and Agriculture Pavilion | CGIAR | Namukolo Covic |
Sat 16 Nov | 16:30 - 18:00 | High Segment Dialogue on Livestock-Induced Emission Management | Terre-Global Carbon Council Pavilion | BAIF Development Research Foundation | Laura Cramer |
Mon 18 Nov | 10:00 - 12:30 | Policy zone: How to meet the Global Methane Pledge in Food systems (invite only) | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | ProVeg International, FOUR PAWS, MENA2050, Changing Markets Foundation, CGIAR | Laura Cramer |
Mon 18 Nov | 13:15 - 14:45 | Animal health, mitigation and adaptation: Innovative financing for sustainable livestock development | Official Side Event Room 6 (Zone B, Blue Zone) | ILRI, BAIF, EDA, IDF, IDRC, CGIAR Livestock and Climate Initiative | Appolinaire Djikeng, Laura Cramer |
Mon 18 Nov | 15:00 - 16:30 | Economic opportunities of transitioning to healthy, sustainable, and just food systems | Nordic pavilion | Nordic Council of Ministers, EAT-Lancet | Namukolo Covic |
Tue 19 Nov | 10:30 - 12:30 | Transboundary climate, adaptation and mitigation risks in Africa: perspectives and regional cooperation | ODI pavilion | FCDO (SPARC), AGNES, Enda Energies | Todd Crane |
Tue 19 Nov | 13:45 - 15:15 | The IsDB Livestock Program - Building a Sustainable and Resilient Livestock Production Systems for Improved Livelihood and Climate Action | IsDB Group Pavilion | Islamic Development Bank | Todd Crane |
Tue 19 Nov | 16:00 - 17:00 | Differentiated but Shared Responsibilities on Methane: Centering Farmers in Accelerating Mitigation in Livestock | Global Methane Hub Pavilion | Global Methane Hub, Climate and Clean Air Coalition | Laura Cramer |
Tue 19 Nov | 17:00 - 18:30 | Investing in the Future in Sustainable Livestock Systems – Stimulating Action and Impact | Food and Agriculture Pavilion | ILRI, IICA | Appolinaire Djikeng, Todd Crane |
Wed 20 Nov | 8:30 - 10:00 | Roundtable zone: Gathering Diverse Perspectives on Low-Methane Food Systems Solutions (invite only) | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | Environmental Defense Fund, ILRI, Food Systems for the Future | Michael Victor, Namukolo Covic |
Wed 20 Nov | 10:00 - 13:00 | Policy zone: Healthy diets, nutrition, consumption: How does this relate to Sharm-el Sheikh Joint Work on Agriculture? | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | ProVeg, CGIAR, PAN International | Namukolo Covic |
Wed 20 Nov | 10:00-11:00 | Accelerating Win-Win Solutions for Animal and Human Health and the Climate | Action on Food Hub Pavilion | Environmental Defense Fund, ILRI, Climate and Clean Air Coalition | Todd Crane |
Wed 20 Nov | 15:00 - 16:30 | Investing in climate-smart agriculture for adaptation and planning for long-term low emissions development: Lessons from Africa | Food and Agriculture Pavilion | ILRI/AICCRA, Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT, AGNES | Laura Cramer |
Wed 20 Nov | 16:45 - 18:45 | Increasing NDC ambition in agrifood after the global stocktake | Official side event room 4 | Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT, University of Vermont | Laura Cramer |