The 16th United Nations Biodiversity Conference
At the 16th United Nations COP CBD this year, ILRI and partners will focus on promoting a more balanced narrative around livestock and biodiversity. While livestock is often seen as contributing to biodiversity loss, ILRI aims to showcase how sustainable livestock practices can actually support conservation efforts. A key priority is to advocate for the integration of sustainable livestock into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) by identifying and engaging champions for livestock-biodiversity solutions.
ILRI and partners will present emerging insights on the relationship between livestock and biodiversity, using this opportunity to gather feedback that will inform a final position paper in November. Engaging with funders and stakeholders, ILRI seeks to amplify visibility and support for its strategic goals in integrating sustainable livestock into biodiversity conservation.
This CBD COP will be the first Biodiversity COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP 15 in December 2022 in Montreal, Canada.
ILRI at COP 16
Find us at these events (All times listed in Colombia time, GMT/UTC-5):
Date | Time | Venue | Description |
Mon 21 Oct | 13:20 | Seaflower - CG3 CEVP Ground floor | Sealing the deal on DSI Access and Benefit Sharing: a critical review of COP 16’s options from the perspective of agricultural R&D Hosted by: CGIAR | ITPGRFA | CIAT-BIOVERSITY |
Tue 22 Oct | 15:00 | Paramos – NGOs Plaza One | From ABS regulations to conservation impacts - What (other than) capacity development is needed for successful implementation of the third objective of the CBD? Hosted by ABS-Initiative | BMZ | DEFRA |
Wed 23 Oct | 18:00 | Sanquianga - GRULAC meeting room Plaza One | Mainstreaming ABS and the Nagoya Protocol - How to effectively integrate Goal C & Target 13 of the KMGBF in the NBSAP process and relevant national and regional (sector) policies Hosted by UNEP | CBD | ITPGRFA | AUC - DARBE | ABS Initiative |
Fri 25 Oct | 14:15-15:00 | Hybrid event Museo La Tertulia, Carrera 1, Normandia Sebastian de Belalcazar | The 7th GLF Investment Case Symposium: Harnessing investments in multifunctional landscapes to deliver on the Rio Conventions Explore how to leverage financial resources to support sustainable land management practices while achieving the global environment goals. Link to agenda and to register. |
Mon 28 Oct | 9:30-10:50 | CGIAR Pavilion - Centro De Eventos Valle Del Pacifico | Peace with Nature: A Pathway to Achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework Goals and Beyond Hosted by The Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT, CGIAR Environment and Biodiversity Platform, CGIAR Livestock and Climate Initiative This side event spotlights environmental peacebuilding as a pathway to biodiversity and SDG targets, featuring CGIAR case studies and introducing a "Peace with Nature" position paper with actionable insights for sustainable development. Join online at this link. |
Wed 30 Oct | 8:00-12:15 | CIAT Campus, Palmira, Valle del Cauca | Agriculture and Food Systems Workshop: Towards Food Forward NBSAPs! Hosted by WWF, Climate Focus, Alliance Bioversity/ CIAT, Global Alliance of the Future of Food, UN Environment Programme and Biovision. A 3-hour workshop that will focus on integrating biodiversity and climate action within agriculture. Participants will discuss policy measures that achieve co-benefits for nature, climate, and food security, with the aim of enhancing National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) for agriculture and food systems. |
Wed 30 Oct | 18:00-21:00 | CIAT Campus, Palmira, Valle del Cauca | Round table dinner: Bringing livestock to the biodiversity table Hosted by GIZ, ILRI, WWF, in partnership with the Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT and SNV This special 'by invitation only' event will bring together key experts and stakeholders in livestock, biodiversity, and sustainable food systems to explore how sustainable livestock practices can contribute to biodiversity conservation and resilient agricultural systems. See event page to learn more. |
Our delegation

Christian Keambou Tiambo
Scientist-CTLGH/Livestock Genetics: Reproductive Technologies & Precision breeding, Biobanking management, and ABS- Nagoya Protocol