Feed trough, Lemo Woreda (photo credit: ILRI/Brook Tesfaye).

Mixed Farming System Initiative’s feed and forage innovations enhancing resilience of smallholder farms in rural Ethiopia

Ethiopia's rural landscapes, the backbone of the nation's economy, have long relied on mixed farming systems. However, as the population grows and climate change intensifies, these age-old practices have struggled to meet the increasing demand for food. To address this challenge, innovative agricultural solutions are crucial to empower farmers and ensure a sustainable future for mixed farming systems.

Mixed farming in Lemo Woreda,  durum wheat farm, and farm side Napier grass cultivation (photo credit: ILRI/Rahel Abiy).

A collaborative effort involving government institutions, non-governmental organizations and international organizations is tackling these challenges through innovations that diversify and intensify mixed farming systems. CGIAR’s Mixed Farming System (MFS) Initiative—along with programs like Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) and Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT)—has been leading research into the diversification of mixed farming systems through livestock feed and forage innovations. These innovations equip Ethiopian farmers, particularly in Central Ethiopia (Lemo Woreda), Amhara (Basona Werena Woreda), Sidama (Hawasa Zuria Woreda) and Oromia regions (Kersa and Omo Nada woredas in Jimma Zone) with the tools and knowledge to boost productivity and enhance resilience.

Key feed and forage innovations driving change

MFS focuses on several key areas of innovation:
  1. Behavioural change communication on climate-smart feed and forage innovations: Effective communication is key to adoption. This includes:
    • In-person training for farmers, development agents and experts on climate-smart feed and forage innovations. In 2024, these training sessions reached 1,200 farmers and extension agents.
    • Radio programs broadcast in collaboration with three community radio stations, delivering targeted messages on feed and forage innovations to over 50,000 farmers.
    • Mobile voice blasts, using one-minute voice messages delivered via Ethio-Telecom. Over the past two years, 12,000 messages have reached 2,000 livestock farmers.
  2. Feed and forage demonstrations: Practical demonstrations are crucial for showing results firsthand. This involves:
    • On-farm demonstrations of various forage options, such as oat-vetch mixtures, tree lucerne, elephant grass and sweet lupin.
    • Promotion and construction of feed troughs to improve feed utilization and minimize wastage.
  3. Feed and forage adaptation trials: Rigorous testing ensures suitability for local conditions by evaluating the adaptability, yield and nutritional quality of different forage options in specific local contexts.
  4. Forage and forage seed commercialization: Sustainable markets for forage are created through:
    • Promoting the commercialization of forage seeds through farmer research groups.
    • Building the capacity of farmers and experts in forage seed production and marketing. While approximately 400 farmers have directly benefited from these innovations, an additional 15 have benefited from more intensive, tailored support.
  5. Home garden integration: Household production is diversified by:
    • Encouraging home gardening practices to enhance household food security and generate additional income.
    • Promoting the cultivation of vegetables and grafted avocado trees and keeping poultry.
  6. Participatory variety selection and crowdsourcing: The local community is involved in research through:
    • Involving farmers in selecting bread wheat, durum wheat and faba bean varieties best adapted to local conditions.
    • Leveraging crowdsourcing and participatory variety selection to enhance agricultural research and development efficiency.

A story of transformation: Almaz Demeke's farm in Lemo Woreda

Almaz Demeke, a farmer in Lemo Woreda, is a shining example of how these changes are impacting lives. Her story is one of hard work, adaptation and remarkable success. 

Demeke cultivates a small plot of land typical of the region. Recognizing the importance of diversification, she grows a variety of crops, including avocados, beans, vegetables such as Ethiopian kale and hot pepper, Desho grass (an indigenous grass), elephant grass and sweet lupin.

‘Growing a variety of crops feeds my family,’ Demeke says. ‘It also keeps my soil healthy and protects against crop failure.’

Her livestock journey started with a few local cows that produced little milk. Through the MFS initiative, Demeke learned about improved breeds and better livestock care. She started crossbreeding her cattle, leading to higher milk yields. She also built feed troughs and improved her animals’ feed. Now she has a thriving herd, and the extra milk provides both better nutrition for her family and a valuable income stream. Demeke even has plans to open a small shop to sell her dairy products directly—a big step towards greater financial independence.

Almaz Demeke on her farm, Lemo Woreda (photo credit: ILRI/Rahel Abiy).

Recognizing the crucial link between quality feed and livestock productivity, Demeke dedicated a portion of her land to forage cultivation. She grows various types of forages, including elephant grass, which is highly productive and nutritious for her cattle. The size of land she dedicated to forage production is proportional to the size of her herd, ensuring a consistent supply of feed. Cultivating forage has significantly improved the health and productivity of her livestock, reducing her reliance on expensive commercial feeds.

Demeke understands the interconnectedness of her farming system. She uses crop residues as feed for her livestock, and in return, the animal manure fertilizes her fields, enriching the soil for crop production. The forage crops also help to prevent soil erosion by providing ground cover and improving soil structure. This integrated approach maximizes resource utilization and enhances the overall sustainability of her farm.

While the integrated system offers numerous benefits, Demeke acknowledges some trade-offs. Allocating land for forage production reduces the area available for crop cultivation. Similarly, managing livestock requires significant time and labor, which can sometimes compete with other farming activities. Balancing these competing demands requires careful planning and prioritization.

A sustainable future

The MFS initiative has fostered a sustainable and resilient agricultural system in Lemo Woreda and other areas where the initiative operates. By promoting climate-smart practices, diversifying farming systems and improving livestock management, the system enhances food security, reduces vulnerability to climate change, and increases farmers' incomes. As farmers like Demeke continue to adopt innovative practices, they are empowered to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable livelihoods, fostering a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector. 

‘We want to have many Demekes,’ says Million Gebreyes, a scaling specialist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). ‘That is why we will be investing in the identification of scaling pathways for mixed farming system innovations in the new CGIAR science program, “Sustainable Farming Systems”.’ 


This work is supported by the CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SI-MFS), which focuses on developing and promoting sustainable intensification technologies for smallholder farmers.

Further reading

Mixed Farming System (MFS) Initiative in Ethiopia