
Celebrating Jimmy and Charmaine Smith

After an 11 year tenure we are bidding farewell to our beloved director general Dr James Wilson Smith – known to his colleagues and friends simply as Jimmy – and his wife Charmaine.

Since assuming the position of director general of ILRI in 2011 his leadership has been crucial to ILRI’s continued growth. ILRI is now considered among the premier livestock research organizations in the world, positively impacting the livelihoods and health of smallholder producers.

In December 2022, Jimmy Smith retired as the director general of ILRI. He will continue to guide and support the institute as he joined the ranks of ILRI's esteemed emeritus fellows.

This page compiles the numerous tributes that were put together for Jimmy and Charmaine, including a photobook of memories and testimonials.


Elsa Murano

Elsa Murano

Board Chair

I would like to recognize Dr. Smith for the outstanding job he has done since assuming the position of DG of ILRI in 2011. His leadership has been crucial to ILRI’s continued growth and for now being considered among the premier livestock research organizations in the world, positively impacting the livelihoods and health of small-holder producers.

Shirley Tarawali

Shirley Tarawali

ILRI assistant director general

You have always shown an amazing ability to recognize and pull out the very best potential from every individual who crosses your paths. Thank you for being an extraordinary boss! May you be as blessed in your retirement as you’ve been a blessing to others in multiple ways!

Paul Wood

Paul Wood

GALVmed board chair

Dr Jimmy Smith has led ILRI with distinction and can be very proud of the organization and what they have achieved. As the only dedicated livestock research institute in Africa, Jimmy’s leadership has been critical to highlighting the importance of livestock to smallholder farmers and the wellbeing of Africans.

Namukolo Covic

Namukolo Covic

ILRI director general representative to Ethiopia and CGIAR representative for East and Southern Africa

Your journey at ILRI and ILCA, has been a journey for Africa. Your journey at ILRI and ILCA has been a journey for Ethiopia. Your journey at ILRI and ILCA, has been one to make better lives through livestock. To make better lives through livestock become a reality. A journey which we are immensely proud of, in your company. We all agree you have a big heart for livestock, and for agriculture.

Claudia Sadoff

Claudia Sadoff

CGIAR executive managing director

Under your tenure, ILRI continued to expand its remit to a broader agenda, from farm to fork. And with diverse disciplinary work conducted under one roof, ILRI has pioneered the systems approach that is so central to the One CGIAR vision. I, along with the rest of CGIAR’s senior leadership team, have been enormously grateful for your thought- thoughtprovoking insights and perspective—always delivered with flair and often provoking with elegant humour—along the way.

Richard Golding

Richard Golding

ILRI board member

Jimmy is someone with extraordinary strength of character, absolute integrity and with outstanding leadership qualities—which are essential for the role he has so ably filled as DG of ILRI and influential member of the CGIAR family. His leadership is distinguished even more by his ability to know when to be strong and forthright and when to be supportive and to show humility—and not forgetting, too, his great sense of humour. He will be sadly missed by all at ILRI and by the CG System.

Martin Kropff

Martin Kropff

CGIAR managing director of resilient agrifood systems

Jimmy, it was great to work together on the Consortium Board and later as DG colleagues and now as colleagues in the resilient agrifood systems science group! A long history of change in the CGIAR and you made sure that livestock was seen as a cornerstone in our agenda.

Photo Book