


Tropical Poultry Genetics Solutions (TPGS)

A Maasai pastoralist taking livestock to drink from the Olkitikiti Dam

Protecting human health through a One Health approach

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey and mule population and identify the potential intervention strategies and partners

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey and mule population and identify the potential intervention strategies and partners

Mapping the issues of Indian donkey and mule population and identify the potential intervention strategies and partners

Improvement of basal feed resources

Improvement of basal feed resources through multi-dimensional crop improvement and application of spin-off technologies from second-generation biofuel

indigenous poultry breeds

Genome-wide association study in indigenous poultry breeds and varieties

Methane emission and its mitigation

Methane emission and its mitigation

Assessment of economic impact

Assessment of economic impact of priority animal diseases and their control in India

Metropolitan mosquitoes: Understanding urban livestock keeping and vector-borne disease in growing tropical cities

Metropolitan mosquitoes: Understanding urban livestock keeping and vector-borne disease in growing tropical cities

Sindh Agricultural Growth Project (Livestock Component)



Africa Asia Dairy Genetic Gains (AADGG)

mNutrition project: Improved nutrition for the poor as a result of behaviour change promoted by accessible mobile-based services delivered at scale through sustainable business models