Securing women’s access to livestock assets and income in Kenya and Mozambique
This project will examine gender-mediated rights and control of livestock and livestock products across 3 market-oriented projects in Kenya and Mozambique. An analysis of the impacts of commercialization on these rights and the role of collective action in improving rights and control by women of livestock, livestock products and income will lead to enhanced strategies being pursued by these project teams and to broader policy change recommendations related to collective action and property rights for enhanced market participation and benefits for women. The interrelationship between access and rights to livestock and access and rights to other resources on which livestock depend including land and water will be explored.
Project Goals and Objectives
The goal of the project is to improve and secure women’s access to livestock assets and control over income and products derived from them, in the face of increasing commercialization and formalization of livestock value chains
Project Objectives
i. Better understand factors influencing women’s access to, ownership of, and control over livestock and related assets, and the income and products derived from them, in different livestock systems in the two countries as well as other assets on which livestock are dependent on including land and water.
ii. Better understand the impact of increasing commercialization and formalization of livestock value chains on women’s income and assets, under different individual and collective approaches to increasing market access and under different informal rights regimes
iii. Analyse gender differentiated investments from sale of livestock assets and products and their implications for household welfare outcomes
iv. Improve the ability of policy makers and development practitioners to incorporate appropriate collective action and property rights dimensions in their livestock value chain policies and programs in order to reduce poverty and increase equity.