Mapping of poverty and likely zoonoses hotspots
This short-term study reviews and updates existing knowledge on poverty and on poverty and zoonoses hotspots.
The specific objective of the study is to provide evidence on where (globally) the risk to the poor from zoonoses is greatest, to enable prioritization of appropriate target locations for research implementation and uptake, based on greatest risk.
- Expert consultation on already published maps of poverty, livestock and zoonoses hotspots with the aim of achieving a preliminary qualitative evaluation of which countries/regions need updating.
- Collation of additional data from countries/regions undergoing rapid change in demographics, location of livestock units, biodiversity and those forecast to suffer most from climate change.
- Update/refresh of the ILRI 2002 publication, Mapping poverty and livestock in the developing world.
- Update/refresh of the map by Jones et al. (2008) in the journal Nature; Jones, K.E. et al. Global trends in emerging infectious diseases. Nature 451.7181 (2008): 990-993.
- Identification of priority zoonoses which pose risk to the poor.
- Development of maps showing hotspots for poverty, livestock and zoonoses.
Download the report: Mapping of poverty and likely zoonoses hotspots: Report to the Department for International Development