Analytical Services

Analytical services

The Mazingira Centre is a full-service agricultural testing laboratory offering accurate and timely analysis of feeds, forages, soil, and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Mazingira Centre consists of laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment that can measure environmental parameters including greenhouse gas emissions, animal productivity, nutrient contents of soils, plants, and water, as well as soil sequestration.



Greenhouse gas analysis: 

  • Greenhouse gas (CH4, N2O and CO2) composition in air samples 
  • SF6 and CH4 composition in livestock breath samples 

Nutritional analysis of animal feed 

  • Sample Preparation (drying, milling and sieving) 
  • Fibre composition (NDF, ADF and ADL)  
  • Dry matter & ash (organic matter or volatile solids) 
  • Crude protein  
  • Total carbon and nitrogen  
  • Gross energy (GE)  

Soil testing: 

  • Sample preparation (drying, milling and sieving) 
  • Dry matter & water content 
  • Mineral nitrogen (nitrate, ammonium-N 
  • Plant-available phosphorus (Olsen-P)  
  • Total carbon and nitrogen  
  • Total phosphorus  
  • Microbial biomass (carbon and nitrogen)  
  • pH 
  • Soil microbial enzyme activity  
  • Soil texture - hydrometer 
  • Soil bulk density 
  • Soil aggregate stability - Wet sieving method 


Manure testing: 

  • Sample preparation (drying, milling and sieving) 
  • Dry matter & ash (organic matter or volatile solids) 
  • Feedstock fiber composition (hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) 
  • Mineral nitrogen (nitrate, ammonium-N) - Photometry 
  • Plant-available phosphorus (Olsen-P) - Photometry 
  • Total carbon and nitrogen  
  • Total phosphorus  
  • Microbial biomass (carbon)  
  • pH 
  • Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved nitrogen (DN) in manure leachates 

Biogas feedstock, bioslurry & digester testing: 

  • Biogas (CH4 and CO2) composition in biogas samples 
  • Feedstock sample preparation (drying, milling and sieving) 
  • Dry Dry matter & ash (organic matter or volatile solids)
  • Feedstock fiber composition (hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) 
  • Mineral nitrogen (nitrate, ammonium-N) in bioslurry 
  • Plant-available phosphorus (Olsen-P) in biosluury 
  • Total carbon and nitrogen in biosluury 
  • Total phosphorus in biosluury 
  • pH 
  • Volatile fatty acids in bioslurry

Water testing: 

  • Nitrate, phosphorus and ammonium-N 
  • Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved nitrogen (DN) 
  • pH 
Gas ChromatographKjeldahlAnkom Fiber Analyzer