Jane Namatovu

Jane Namatovu

Gender support specialist

Jane joined ILRI in March 2020 as a Gender Support Specialist working on the BUILD Uganda Program funded by BMZ that aims to support existing structures scale up solutions through a collaborative effort in Research, Extension and Partnership.

Prior to joining ILRI, she worked with Dan Church Aid, a Humanitarian International NonGovernment Organisation, coordinating the implemenation of various Livelihoods and Environment project activities in Refugee Settlements and host communities in West Nile, Uganda.  She has also worked with Voluntary Services Overseas and has been involved in Livelihoods and Gender Assessments as well as Programme development.  She holds a Masters of Development in Gender and Agriculture from the University of Professional Studies in the Netherlands.

My Projects


Boosting Uganda’s investment in livestock development

My Blog Posts

Community dialogues in Masaka


Engaging women and men in pig-related business activities in Uganda