Chip Stem

Chip Stem

LTS Group CEO & Executive Director

Dr. Stem is an American veterinary economist and graduate of the University of Nairobi, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy with more than 30 years’ large-scale project design, senior management, strategic planning, and implementation experience in Africa, the Middle East, S. Asia, W. Asia, and N. America. His project management portfolio exceeds $150 million.

He is at the leading edge of efforts to resolve the recent failure of established safeguards to halt the spread of livestock diseases threatening economic crisis and raising the risk of global disease pandemics. He led the development of a thermostable rinderpest vaccine, which when combined with an innovative community-based delivery system that he developed made key contributions to the control and eventual eradication of the disease—only the second disease to be eradicated globally by man. He actively serves regional governments in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.