ILRI in the media

Celebrating ILRI’s 50th Anniversary in India

Addis Dialogue with Dr Tadelle Dessie, Principal Scientist, ILRI

Becoming an expert: One Health community engagement in Somalia

Meet the farmers and scientists using remarkable cows to help their communities thrive

Ethiopia’s Official Highlights ILRI’s Role in Supporting Country’s Agriculture Dev’t in Research, Capacity-building

የሌማት ትሩፋት ምርትና ምርታማነትን በማሳደግ የማኅበረሰቡን የኑሮ ጫና እያቃለለ ነው

ILRI makes big inroads into Ethiopia’s livestock dev’t

ILRI reinforces commitment to One Health through scientific research

The golden time to prevent ASF is 4 days after discovering the first diseased animal