ILRI wikis have moved to new platform
ILRI wikis have moved to a new home because our previous provider Wikispaces recently closed. The new platform is MediaWiki, which is what Wikipedia runs on. It is the de facto industry standard and offers a very similar user experience to the previous provider.
The wikis can now be found on http://ilriwikis.org/
We made sure to keep all the original names. If you are looking for a wiki just swap out the domain, instead of myproject.wikispaces.com use myproject.ilriwikis.org. There were about 80 wikis with a little under 300 users.
The migration was implemented in collaboration with tech company CiviHosting, see the work breakdown for details of the engagement. Moving wikis from one platform to the other meant that they had to be ‘translated’. In the process some formatting or attachment may have been lost and needs to be corrected manually.
Kindly review your wiki to ensure everything is as it should be. Let us know in case you find a missing document or broken page. We have a backup on file and will assist you to restore it.
A couple of things did not work out as planned:
Unfortunately, we were not able to implement redirects from the old to the new wikis. Wikispaces no longer provides that service. And while we were able to migrate all users, Wikispaces have refused to release emails and passwords for reasons of data privacy. That means we are effectively re-enrolling our users.
Wiki admins can help us: Consult the list of users by wiki and encourage them to create an account. If you need editing permissions or admin access to a certain wiki, please get in touch so we can assign you the appropriate role.
Create an account on ILRIWikis
MediaWiki is a powerful platform that offers many possibilities for customization. As we learn to work with it we will implement additional features and functionalities over time.
You can read the project brief to learn more or write to ServiceDesk [at] cgiar.org if you have questions, want to make a suggestion or face problems.