National partners and champion smallholder farmers in Mali adopt a community-based breeding program for local goats


o Mali’s first Community-Based Breeding Program (CBBP) for goats was launched in 2023.
o Many indigenous breeds are included in the program, namely Djallonké, Bali-Bali, Peulh, and others.
o Until now, two CBBPs were established in two villages, namely Siguidolo Wéré and Noukoula in Ségou cercle. The establishment of a third CBBP in Sikasso cercle is now being discussed.
o These villages were chosen for their easy accessibility in terms of distance and security, the predominance of goats as livestock species, the presence of typical open-minded breeders focused on production and organized in cooperatives, the availability of input and service suppliers (health, feed, extension, etc.), and the low prevalence of transhumant livestock farming.
o In Siguidolo Wéré and Noukoula, a total of 183 households were involved in the CBBP, with a total of 1,237 goats identified. The graphs (Figures 1 and 2) below summarize the details of this output.
o Goat selection traits within Mali’s CBBP include fertility, milk yield, growth rate, longevity, adaptability, and resistance to diseases.


Tebourbi, O., Rekik, M., Getachew, T., Haile, A., Sow, A., Zannou, O., Dione, M. and Marshall, K. 2024. National partners and champion smallholder farmers in Mali adopt a community-based breeding program for local goats. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.


  • Tebourbi, Ons
  • Rekik, Mourad
  • Getachew, Tesfaye
  • Haile, Aynalem
  • Sow, Ahmadou
  • Zannou, Olivier
  • Dione, Michel
  • Marshall, Karen